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The Worst Thanksgiving Dish You Ever Had

one never seems to remember the good that happens to them; they only remember the bad.  it is the same when it comes to meals.  No one remembers the ham that sat in the brine for two days longer than the recipe called for and no one remembers how it was fall off the bone tender.  No one remembers the the trifle that was so carefully arranged with the layers of homemade cake, custard and jam.  No.  They only remember the year Miss Molly, an extraordinary cook if I must say so myself, messed up the Thanksgiving meal.

Miss Molly took pride in everything she made.  Nothing exited her kitchen without inspection and no one went in her kitchen with out being chased out with a wooden spoon.  Yes everything seemed perfect to those who watched the magic that took place in kitchen.   


It happened three years ago to the day.  Uncle Earl sat on the couch with Uncle Ben and Cousin Joe, sharing beers and yelling at a football game on the TV.  My sister and my cousins ran through the house like a herd of elephants and disrupting the other family members who chattered and gossiped about sweet nothings.  The house was loud and rude and everything you expect when family gets together and drinks starts flowing.  It is for this reason I suspected the Miss Molly locked herself into the kitchen.  I wouldn't blame her either,  I didn't like the family either.  

when dinner was finally done,  two family members were no longer speaking, one of the cousins had a bloody nose and Auntie Cynthia what harping at her husband about drinking beer.  I had had enough of it and looked like Miss Molly must have had the same idea too.


What was laid before us looked like one Miss Molly's famous dinners but one thing for sure it didn't taste like it.  Dishes that were usually salty were sweet.  The dishes the were usually mild were so spicy that it brought tears to your eyes.  The gravy was thin and the cheese sauce was lumpy.  Everybody was silent for the first time in the family history as they pretended to enjoy the disastrous meal placed in front of them.  All Miss Molly did was smiled.     


Some say, because of the stress of the holidays, it was an accident.  Others argue that it was done in spite because no one was very thankful  But the only thing anyone can agree on is that it was the worst Thanksgiving ever.  

Tatyanna Kurucz

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